Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Abandon all hope ye who enter here

My little girl turns 5 on Monday, so currently mustering mental strength in readiness of 30 plus kiddies going bananas for a few hours. Then I thought, who would be the comic book character you'd want to entertain a gaggle of galloping Goonies?


"Hey kids, a radioactive isotope blinded me young and every girl I've ever loved has died in my arms!"

Scott Pilgrim?

"Hello Sidcup! We are Sex Bob-omb!"

The Kingpin?

"And I shall show you, that a child without a novelty balloon, is a child without fear"

But then, there's only ONE comic character really suitable for the job.

Ultimate Spidey

Really, in my heart of hearts, I know I can always rely on Spidey to both entertain and protect my little one.

However, this could be a good backup:

for no other reason than it cheered me up today.

Evening all.

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